“Flights of Wonder: A Collection of Stunning Bird Photographs from Eight Years in the Enchanting Rainforest Canopy”


Christian Spencer, a renowned photographer from Australia, has dedicated the past eight years to capturing stunning images of birds. His hummingbird prism photos have earned him recognition and praise. Recently, he launched a book named Birds Poetry in the Sky, featuring his exceptional photographic skills.


bird bath


Spencer, a resident of the Brazilian rainforest for most of the past decade, has managed to photograph various birds such as macaws, emus, and green-headed tanagers. According to Spencer’s interview with PetaPixel, he had worked as a professional painter for 25 years before purchasing his first camera at the age of 37, eight years ago. The majority of his photos were taken in Brazil, while some were captured in his home country, Australia. Despite the many challenges that come with photography, including those in the rainforest, Spencer believes observation is the best tool for capturing secret moments and rhythms of the rainforest, which he has gained from years of experience.




According to Spencer, the more you know about the natural history of each bird species, the more fascinating they become. It’s incredible how something as small as a bird can captivate us so much. Their distinct songs, migration habits, feather colors, and nesting techniques are all mesmerizing. Even common bird species have many unknowns, including how they see the world. The pictures in the book offer a slight peek into the enigmatic behavior and private moments of some very scarce bird species.



Snapping the Perfect Picture
One of the most remarkable images found in the book features a gathering of cockatoos in mid-flight, having just taken off from a tree. Another striking shot captures a herd of emus mirrored on the surface of a body of water.



Spencer claims that taking photos can be a challenging task, especially when trying to capture something extraordinary. One needs a stroke of luck to capture the perfect shot. He admits that there are times when he almost captures the photo but fails due to various reasons like distance, lighting, speed, or the bird being in the wrong position. However, despite these challenges, he enjoys the process of trying to capture the image. Spencer aims to take photos that resemble harmonious paintings.



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